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January 31 2009, 12:11 PM

Hello again.

This week we have three new reviews, all from Tim.

First up is KEMEKO DX, a sci-fi comedy that I didn't find all that funny.

Then I give you not one but two visual novel anime. First there's AKANE-IRO NI SOMARU SAKA, followed by recent fan favorite CLANNAD. Check the links to the left to see what I felt about both series.

Stig has another review lined up for the future, so expect to see that relatively soon alongside these.

- Tim Jones

January 3 2009, 8:23 AM

A new year begins.

The first anime of the year is not a new anime. It's probably one that should have had a review written for it a long time ago, but it was not until recently, by way of a personal event which provided the nudge I needed, that the review was finally done.

The anime in question is Shinigami no Ballad, a short but also sweet OAV with a very serious subject matter.

Until next time.

- Stig Høgset.

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