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March 10 2025, 3:55 AM

One of These is Not Like the Others.

Which is actually true for all three of the shows I have for you today. The three shows here are decent to good in quality, but they're very much painting a picture of how the anime industry -- and by that extent, the manga/light novel industry -- tries to make something successful these days. It has been my personal gauntlet challenge to get through.

First off is Handyman Saitou in Another World. Unlike the others, Handyman Saitou's main character is more about job satisfaction rather than them upending the world they're resurrected in, and everything that comes with job satisfaction. It's because of this that the show started off on the best foot out of the three, but... well, that didn't hold up all the way until the end.

Next up is Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill. Unlike the others, our protagonist has a more direct link to his original world, and it's that link that's driving the whole plot, plus its main lead wasn't summoned upon death, but was rather seemingly picked randomly. And it's a foodie show. It's also the best show out of the three, the only one to rank four.

And lastly, we have Chillin' in My 30's After Getting Fired from the Demon King's Army. Unlike the others, Chillin' in my 30's is not an isekai (even if it feels so much like one), as its main lead has always been a resident of the world this show is taking place in. It's also the only one of the three to be a blatant power fantasy, if a mild one. I would say it's the least good one out of the three, but the way Handyman Saitou shot itself in the foot kinda made that a hard distinction to make.

So yeah, that was a hurdle to climb. I do kinda wish I would never have to read the words " another world" in a show title again, but these are the times we've lived in for quite some time. Here's hoping I have the energy to keep up the output as life (not in another world) continues. See you all next Monday.

-Stig Høgset.

March 3 2025, 7:48 AM

Good Bye [sic], Dragon Life, Hello, Boredom.

So yeah, let's just say that I was.... less than impressed by Good Bye, Dragon Life. I thought that it might be interesting to see a rebirth story (not an isekai this time around) with a very, very ancient being, but... yeah, they managed to make it incredibly boring instead. What a waste.

As for next week, we might be looking at one of two things, depending on who gets their work-in-progress foot in the door first. See you all then.

-Stig Høgset.

February 24 2025, 2:48 AM

My Relationship Has No Soul.

Well, that might be slightly harsh, but having watched My Wife Has No Emotion, I honestly don't think it's a good measuring pole for a good relationship. It's basically not very good at the whole "show, don't tell" thing.

And that's that. Not sure what's up for next week, but we'll check in as usual. See you all then.

-Stig Høgset.

February 17 2025, 8:15 AM

Running With the Disconnected Connections.

Allen gives Cyberpunk: Edgerunners this week and finds it alright enough. We've probably entered an era when a movie or series based on a game is most likely to be kinda mid rather than the worst thing ever. Whether that's a good thing or not, well... that's a debate for another day.

And that's that. Next week, we look towards the expressionless face of the future. See you all then.

-Stig Høgset.

February 10 2025, 2:55 AM

"The Sound.... THE SOUND...!"

Allen dives right into Deemo: Memorial Keys and finds it a nice movie with a less than subtle inspiration source. I'm just surprised a certain tree doesn't get the most obvious name myself, but hey....

And that's that. Next week, we'll be teetering at the edge of the law. Or something like that. See you all then.

-Stig Høgset.

February 3 2025, 7:52 AM

A Paladin Too Far.

This week, Allen took a look at The Faraway Paladin: Lord of the Rust Mountains, and he found it depressingly bad. And it just really, really sucks when you have a new show where the first season was great, and then the second comes and just ruins everything it built up to that point. It's just sad when you think about it.

At least things will improve for us next week, where we will become more in tune with nature. Or something along those lines. See you then.

-Stig Høgset.

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