February 10 2025, 2:55 AM
"The Sound.... THE SOUND...!"
Allen dives right into Deemo: Memorial Keys and finds it a nice movie with a less than subtle inspiration source. I'm just surprised a certain tree doesn't get the most obvious name myself, but hey....
And that's that. Next week, we'll be teetering at the edge of the law. Or something like that. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
February 3 2025, 7:52 AM
A Paladin Too Far.
This week, Allen took a look at The Faraway Paladin: Lord of the Rust Mountains, and he found it depressingly bad. And it just really, really sucks when you have a new show where the first season was great, and then the second comes and just ruins everything it built up to that point. It's just sad when you think about it.
At least things will improve for us next week, where we will become more in tune with nature. Or something along those lines. See you then.
-Stig Høgset. |
January 27 2025, 2:41 AM
Well.... at Least There's No Elevator Music, Right? Right?!
This week, Allen gets on that second season of Tower of God, and he's pretty much unchanged on how he thinks of it. It's... not getting any better, I suppose, but it's not getting any better either.
And that's that this week. Buckle up, though, because next week is going to be more than a bit disappointing. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
January 20 2025, 7:50 AM
What'cha Gonna Dan When The Dan Goes Dan Da Dan On Your DAN?!
Allen's pick of the week is the nominal "Ghosts stole mah penis" madfest that is Dan Da Dan, and... he likes it. It is certainly weird, and stylishly so.
But seriously, enjoy that while you can, because next week, the journey towards God (I would assume) is going to continue. See you all next Monday.
-Stig Høgset. |
January 13 2025, 2:26 AM
Mixed Feelings About Mixers.
Allen goes to How I Attended An All-Guy's Mixer and comes out the other side a... relatively satisfied guy. The main complaint I hear the most often is that the main lead is a bit of a boring nothingburger, and Allen doesn't seem to want to challenge that notion either. So it goes, I suppose.
Next week, things will get considerably crazier, though. Keep in touch.
-Stig Høgset. |
January 6 2025, 8:11 AM
A Girlfriend Each Day Keeps the Job Opportunities Away.
OMG Context PLZ. See, Allen watched 365 Days to the Wedding, and it's about a guy who doesn't want to go to Alaska. So he finds himself someone who can be his pretend-girlfriend, and then... problem solved, right? Right?
Maybe, maybe not, but at least he's better off than... say, someone who actually goes out with the intent of meeting someone with honest intent. Wait, how does that make any sense? Drop by next week and find out, I guess.
-Stig Høgset. |
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