News Archives - November 2013
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November 25 2013, 9:47 AM
Two different sides of the same death.
For today, we've got reviews for shows that aren't specifically connected, other than that one of them is centered around people who are arguably alive that can die and the other around people who are alive that can arguably die. Odd choice of topic, isn't it?
Nick's choice for the first one is Armitage III, the original OAV set in a world where robot technology can do some amazing things.
And then there's the latter part, which I go into in my review of Sunday Without God, another worthwhile show where the dead just don't stay down. (Unless the gravediggers have something to say about it.)
As for next week, Tim and I might make a return with another collab, based on one of our many, many wild rides through the valley of commenting and heckling. Stay tuned.
-Stig Høgset. |
November 13 2013, 7:05 PM
Stig's Airsoft Blues
Sorry about the delay. We've all been a bit overwhelmed recently (notice I haven't put out anything in a while).
Stig saves the day with his review of Stella Women's Academy, a GAINAX show from the 2013 summer season, though he clearly wishes he had picked something better to watch. Indeed, we started this one as an attempted synchro but bailed out after one episode; Stig, however, had the guts to go through and dredge through the rest of it to write a review. Though the fun, silly parts picked up a bit, enough for it not to flunk, it falls apart again the second it attempts to introduce a psychological aspect and makes the character lose her mind. Really, the viewer is the only one who loses their mind watching this, and having later finished it myself I can't say I disagree too much with Stig.
We should be back next week, or at least two weeks from now. Take care.
-Nick Browne |
November 4 2013, 11:35 AM
Three for three. What are the odds?
What Allen expected from his own viewing of Haganai, he came to a somewhat different conclusion about one of the main characters. The extra episode he viewed might've helped with that decision, though.
Mippa, however, expected goodness when she tackled one of her favorite otome games, but sadly, the Hiiro no Kakera anime didn't live up to those expectations. Like, at all.
As for me, I was actually looking forward to another round of Rozen Maiden with the Gratitiously Germanic titled Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen, but much like Mippa, I came out disappointed. Because for a show named "Rozen Maiden", it was severely lacking in Rozen Maidens.
Well, that was demotivational. While none among the three reviewers of today's update found our respective shows terrible, there were at least two expectations here that weren't met. Here's hoping we got something better for next time.
-Stig Høgset. |