News Archives - December 2019
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December 30 2019, 7:22 AM
Chronos Certainly Doesn't Rule.
Little presumptuous of you there, Chronos Ruler? Because I hate you. I hate you so much. I hate you like I hate Kono Aozora. Or Fox Spirit Matchmaker. What a life. What a rule.
Not to worry, though, because next Monday, we'll start off the year on a much better foot... with bulletproof zombies.
Wait, what?!
-Stig Høgset. |
December 23 2019, 5:10 AM
"Twas The Night Before Kansas...."
So, this year's near-Christmas update fell on the very day before, huh? Well, Allen has a bit of a classic for you for this very special update, although he kind of wish The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was a little bit more special than this. But it's OK. The Wonderfully OK Wizard of Oz. Can't beat the classics, I guess.
Next week, we'll find ourselves at the short end of the stick of time. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
December 16 2019, 7:58 AM
Why Ask Why The Hell?!
Well, Allen might have found a good reason in his pick of the week, Why The Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?, because he's curious about just that. Understandably, he does realize that fetishes or... special interests... might not need to make sense or be viable without repercussions, but one should still expect quality trashiness if your main meal is going to be trashy stuff. You might say he's asking "Why the hell are you here, Why the hell are you here, Teacher?"
Clearly things can only go up from here? Maybe we can even dance down a certain road, wearing a certain pair of shoes? Let's find out next week.
-Stig Høgset. |
December 9 2019, 3:42 AM
"In The Name Of The Lord: OBJECTION!!!"
Allen takes a look at Vatican Miracle Examiner, and pretty much goes: "Really?!" While the concept seems like a license to print free money from the "ha ha oh wow" crowd, Allen still feels like this ridiculous setup is being squandered.
And that's our lot for this week. Next week, we'd be looking at one hell of a dumpster fire starring people who really should have known better. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
December 2 2019, 9:13 AM
Bumping the Chicken.
That seems to be the one thing our evil villains in Allen's pick of the week, Karakuri Circus, are aiming to do. Except replace "chicken" with "rich little boy". Corporate wars, man. They never turn out well, do they?
Next week, we'll be going all the way back to the year of the lord... if it can be proven legitiately. Or something. It will most likely just be confusion all over. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |