News Archives - December 2021
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December 25 2021, 4:13 AM
When The Kids Stole Christmas....
First, we hope y'all had (and still have) a nice holiday. And with that, here comes the special Christmas update I was talking about in earlier updates.
Tim gives Non Non Biyori Nonstop and he's quite happy with it... for the most part. He isn't quite sure about the new character in the roster, but that's about it. Good ol' Biyori magic strikes again.
As for me, I had the pleasure of watching Ronja the Robber's Daughter, and the bottom line here is that I'm happy to see that Goro Miyazaki is doing better. I never got around to watching his "Witch and the earwig" show, so... yeah, not sure how that compares in his lineup, but this is some pretty nice stuff if you can stomach the CG characters.
And that's that. We'll be taking the upcoming monday off since our reviewin' energy was spent making sure this christmas update made it in time, but we'll have some stuff for you on the first Monday of the next year. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
December 20 2021, 5:04 AM
We're Pulling Double-D (for Double Duty) On This One....
Allen's got two reviews ready, and given the similarity and differences in subject matter, we thought it best to just put the reviews together in the same update. Coming out on top except in rating is Tawawa on Monday, which is all about the boobs, while rounding off the bottom is Ganbare Douki-chan, which is all about the thighs (and, as an added bonus, the stockings.) Judging by the ratings, the thigh gang win this round... well, as far as you can call this a victory anyway.
And that's that for this Monday. We will probably take next Monday off, but we do have a special Christmas update for you all to take its place, so look forward to that. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
December 13 2021, 8:32 AM
Yes, We Have All The Bananas....
So yeah, our review of the week is for Wacky TV Nanana, which is a show starring.. well, bananas. Living, walking, working bananas. And if you think that sounds a bit on the weird side, boy howdy are you correct.
And that's that. Next week, Allen's facing the ol' "breast or thigh" conundrum. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
December 6 2021, 3:15 AM
Tumbleweed Park, part 2.
So yeah, we got another day with nothing new. This week has just been kicking my ass, and Allen deserves a break too, so... yeah. But next week, we'll definitely have something.
Hoping I didn't jinx us with that statement. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |