News Archives - April 2024
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April 29 2024, 8:36 AM
Let Your Concierge Be Your Guide.
Because... y'know, that's their job and stuff. And in Allen's pick of the week, the rather straightforwardly named The Concierge, our protag's job seems to have gone to the dogs. Or rather, the dogs -- and all other animals, apparently -- have gone to her for help.
And that's that for this week. Next week is a bit up in the air, but we'll see what shows up.
-Stig Høgset. |
April 22 2024, 2:52 AM
Matrix-level Hint-dodging On Display.
Allen is on point today with The Dangers in My Heart: Season 2, which he finds even better than the first season. Sometimes, massive weirdos really do deserve the best.
And so it goes. Next week, work is going to the dogs and all the other animals as well, apparently, so see you then.
-Stig Høgset. |
April 15 2024, 7:41 AM
I've Got A Fever, and the Only Solution is More Ugliness?
Well, thematically, that's what's going on in Allen's pick of the week, season one of The Apothecary Diaries. He seems to appreciate the frankness of the material and the cleverness of the main character, even if the show makes no secrets of what happens to girls less clever than her who also captures the Emperor's eye.
Anyway, next week might promise more danger, but will probably have a bit less than you'd think. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
April 8 2024, 2:33 AM
"Can You Sign What I Sign?"
Allen goes full power Shoujo this week with A Sign of Affection this week, which he finds a reasonably appealing show, if a little too unproblematic. Love should never run smoothly, right?
And that's that for this week. We might need some medicine for what comes next week. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |
April 1 2024, 6:32 AM
Ah, Young Controversial Love....
Allen watches Happy-Go-Lucky Days, a movie that's a series of segments, telling the stories of young people coming to terms with their feelings for each other, and some of the baggage they -- or others -- bring into the equation. He's... none to pleased with it, mostly due to feelings of ick when it comes to some of the characters and what they do. And probably also because the movie is a bit.... slow?
Aaand that's that for this week. Next week will definitely be a more affectional deal for all parts concerned. See you all then.
-Stig Høgset. |