Just when you thought we'd forgotten all about you this week...
Live from Austin, Texas and points throughout Planet Earth, here's THEM! (And the crowd goes wild!)
Allen starts us off with his summation of the prequel series Rozen Maiden: Ouverture, which he ultimately deems a superfluous and unwanted addition to an otherwise enjoyable franchise.
Diane stops by with a favorable review of the film A Letter to Momo, a gently paced story about a young girl learning to cope with loss with the help of three friendly, if odd-looking guardian spirits.
Nick draws the shortest straw of the lot this week with the cyberpunk short-webisode series Blame! which he scathingly derides as a derivative, nonsensical slideshow that can be at best characterized as experimental anime gone horribly wrong.
We'll see you next Monday, of course, and if you for some strange reason can't wait that long, feel free to join us on the forums. Enjoy!
- Carlos |