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June 26 2017, 3:11 AM

Letters Against Time....

So yes, this week, Allen takes a look at teenage drama about suicide; Orange, a show he rather liked despite the sheer logic-breaking way it portrayed the how-to of mailing yourself in the past. It still won him over through its frank and relatively not-overdramatic portrayal of people considering suicide as an option.

Next week, I hope to be able to include the latest season in a show that has been a huge favorite of mine, which should certainly be doable as long as life doesn't throw everything in my way. See you all then regardless.

-Stig Høgset.

June 19 2017, 8:50 AM

We demand an exclamation! Or eight!

So, we finally got around to that beach episode review (sort of) we promised you all, and as some of you has probably figured out, the show is Keijo!!!!!!!!. (And yes, those eight exclamation marks are part of the title; it wouldn't be the same without them.) And for being an anime based on that dumb side event in the DoA Xtreme series, it was a remarkably fun series. Probably because they kicked up the ferocity of the event a notch. With their butts.

Summer is basically upon us too, so maybe it was a good thing this show was delayed until now. As for what we'll have next Monday... well, I don't think I dare make any specific promises, because... well, you saw how that turned out.

See you all again.

-Stig Høgset.

June 12 2017, 9:57 AM

Beach, please.

So yeah, we keep putting off our little contribution to waterfront fun, aren't we? Well, Allen, bless his hardworking soul, has prepared something for us to show you in the interrim.

He gave The Third: The Girl With The Blue Eye a look, and found it quite alright. Fun, even. Not bad for a relicense.

NEXT Monday... that's when we'll be done. That's when we'll REALLY dive into the fun pool. Honest.

-Stig Høgset.

June 5 2017, 4:27 PM

Nothing new today.

Life has, once again, swallowed the majority of us, and as such, there's no new reviews to put up this time around. We should be able to get something done for next Monday, though.

-Stig Høgset.

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