Do Not Read This Review
When watching anime, going into a series you've never heard anything about is usually a recipe for misery. But taking a risk with Ga-Rei Zero, a yuri suspense that aired last year to very little fanfare, ended up being a very rewarding risk. If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth giving it a look.
Just one caveat: don't read my review. Not because it's a bad review, but because this anime is just best watched if you go into it knowing absolutely nothing. Here's some cheesecake if you need some extra persuasion though:
This can only end in one way.
Next week goes to Tim, when he'll be reviewing another otaku-centric comedy series. But we may update sooner than that: our intrepid con reporter Robert Lu has written up a very long (very, very long) report on Anime Expo. That will be up by the end of the week.
If you have any comments or questions on my reviews, or about the site, please drop me a line at bcmeek[at] . Replace the [at] with an @. You can still follow my Twitter feed, where I Tweet up a storm about anime. I've been watching the first episodes of the new summer season and Tweeting my impressions: think of it as a THEM Review Lite.
That's all for this week. We'll see you soon.
-Bradley Meek |