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August 26 2024, 2:32 AM

When Will Yaotome Tease Me?

Allen gives When Will Ayumu Make His Move?, and is puzzled as to why the creator of the venerable and very fun Teasing Master Takagi-san would resort to being so stereotypically traditional with its romantic setup. He's not completely apalled by it, but given that its creator made such a breakout hit with the latter, just playing this genre by the book takes some of the enjoyment out of it.

With the rating ending up smack dab in the middle, will next week be better or worse? Place your bets and see you again next week.

-Stig Høgset.

August 19 2024, 8:00 AM

We Are Gathered Here Today...

Well, Allen gave Dark Gathering a go, and yikes... it's good, but "dark" isn't even beginning to describe how unsettling this show can get.... as good horror shows are supposed to.

And that's that. Next week is up in the air, which... uh, is better than being gathered up in the dark, I guess.

-Stig Høgset.

August 12 2024, 2:54 AM

Let Your Imagination Be Your OH GOD HE'S DEAD, JIM! THEY KILLED HIM!

So, uh... yeah, Allen takes a look at The Imaginary, and... he likes it. I guess a murder mystery with imaginary people who are somehow real is quite a treat.

And that's our Monday lot. Next week, someone shall serve as a distraction while the others make their escape. I'm sure that'll go over great. See you all then.

-Stig Høgset.

August 5 2024, 7:56 AM

Putting My Nose Back To The Grindstone.

Allen goes back to Demon Slayer, watching through the Hashira Training Arc and finding it as good as (almost) always. Maybe we'll even get to the end at some point?

And that's that. Let your imagination run wild for next week. See you all then.

-Stig Høgset.

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