News Archives - August 2016
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August 29 2016, 9:17 AM
Bodacious Babes From Outer States.
While I'd watch a movie with that name, certainly, I think me and Nicoletta found something even better in Bodacious Space Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace. Well, we weren't worried, because despite its slow moments, the original TV series was a hell of a lot of fun. The movie is... no less so, of course, even if it felt more like a side story than a continuation. But we still get to see Marika and crew being awesome, so hey...
Enjoy that while you can, though, because next week will not be as fun. See you then.
-Stig Høgset. |
August 22 2016, 4:42 AM
"Tora, Tora, Tora, I adore ya."
No kidding there. Despite my shounen fatigue, it's always time for the second season of Ushio and Tora, which... quite frankly feels more like the remainder of the show, but hey, nothing wrong with that, right? More importantly, you get a show that actually comes to a proper end. No "episode 500 and no end in sight" here.
And that's it for now. But not to worry; now that our lovely, lovely vacation (or at least mine) is over, we can get back to the swing of things again. See you again next week.
-Stig Høgset. |
August 15 2016, 1:41 PM
Dark Skies Mean Monday....and Ravens
It's not especially cloudy here, but I *do* live on the California Central Coast. Still...Monday.
But Monday also brings us anime. I finally got off my butt (or sat down to write and got *on* it I guess, in this case) and reviewed Tokyo Ravens, which I said I'd review....months ago. Anyway, here it is, and I've definitely seen worse shows as far as the "magic academy" subgenre goes. I might even venture that I somewhat like this show. But I have a lot of reservations about it, still.
Back next week....don't know who'll be contributing, or what we'll have, but we should be here!
-Nicoletta Christina Browne |
August 9 2016, 6:19 PM
A Quiet Day on Mars
After our Q and A answers coming in yesterday, time to relax a bit! For today's update, Stig brings us a sort of 10th anniversary addition to the Aria franchise. And while he says it may be a "tad bit" unnecessary, he still finds Aria the Avvenire to be a nice, relaxing trip down the canals of Neo-Venezia.
Sorry for all the delays and for me being AWOL with site updates and the reviews I've said I'll write...maybe next week I'll finally have one of those. Stay tuned. :)
-Nicoletta Christina Browne |
August 8 2016, 11:47 PM
Um....yeah. I'm sorry I sat on putting this together so long. ^^;
Our answers are in! Thanks to everybody who submitted questions. I hope that our answers are helpful or at least interesting (we *never* want to be boring).
We'll be back with the regular weekly update tomorrow! And thanks again for all of your questions. It was a lot of fun to answer them....and again, I'm....kind of at fault for sitting on them. That's all on me. ^^;
-Nicoletta Christina Browne
August 5 2016, 2:13 PM
We Owe Y'all an Explanation
Hey all! The 4th Q and A answers *will* be posted soon. Some of our staff members have been pretty overwhelmed with RL stuff. We realize it's two weeks overdue now and....that's our bad. It'll be up by Monday at the very least!
And again, sorry for the late update, also. A lot of this is Nicoletta's's her fault for thinking that grad school was a good idea. XD
-Nicoletta Christina Browne |
August 3 2016, 6:06 AM
Let's all sing the Happy Happy Joy Joy song.
Well, the people in today's show could probably use this song. Or maybe not? Allen watched Anne-Happy for you this week, and even he's not quite sure what the hell the girls in it are on. Or the school they're all attending. One thing's for sure, though; he ain't happy about this show at all.
And we're not happy about being late either, so... yeah, sorry about that. I guess we didn't expect being eaten alive by summer, both those who are on vacation and those who aren't. So let us all aim for not being late next week. See you then.
-Stig Høgset. |