T.H.E.M. Staff
Tairō (Editorial Junta) (Editors-in-Chief)
Daijō Hōō (Cloistered Emperor) (Editor-in-Chief Emeritus - Active)
Risu-Daimyojin (Great Squirrel Kami) (Editor-in-Chief Emeritus - Retired)
Hatamoto (Active Reviewers)
Chamei (Tea Master) (Convention Reporter)
Shinobi-mono (Web Staff and Other Contributors)
Yamabushi (Former Staff and Reviewers)
Fumetsu-no-Kage (Immortal Shadow) ([redacted])
And This Could Be You! (No, Really!)
Thanks to the Following Donors
- Robert Adam
- Tom Albanese
- Jeremy Beard
- Daniel Beaulieu
- Rita Brogan
- Jason Bustard
- Bethany Cole
- Teresa Copeland
- Andrew Dahl
- Adam Fleischaker
- Stuart Friedberg
- Stig Høgset
- David Hsing
- Catherine Laughlin
- Dror Lefman
- Christopher MacDonald
- Jonathan Moss
- Niko Paju
- Joseph Saunders
- Katheryn Saunders
- Rebecca Teng
- Cort Wee
Special Thanks
- all THEM members, past and present
- our families, for putting up with all of this
- Jay Dee Archer
- Kevin Chasse
- Craig Dyer and Stephanie Bannon
- Ender
- Travis Gallion
- Jason Huff
- Toron Lucas
- Marc Marshall
- Dominic Mottola
- Akio Nagatomi
- Jane Nagatomi
- Marc Ner
- Tom Perry
- Joe Sakamoto
- Nick Schumacher
- Andrew Shelton
- Will and Cami Thomson
- Erik Wennstrom
- Sue Wyckoff
- Zeo's Reviews (wherever you are)
This site is dedicated to the memory of Akio Nagatomi (1963-2000) and all the fans, creators, and voice actors who have gone to the great convention beyond.